CS Student | Passionate Developer

my old photo

An old photo of mine before I started wearing specs

My name is Aldrin Jenson. I’m currently a final year student pursuing my Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science Engineering from Govt. Model Engineering College Kochi, Kerala.

I’ve been fascinated by computers from a really young age and love tinkering with various softwares and hacks.

I consider myself good at programming and I’m really passionate about developing software. Tech stack doesn’t matter much to my anymore. Most of the projects I now work on is with the language or framework most easy to do the task at hand, or using a language I want to explore more. With the amount of information available on the internet, given enough time I believe that we can solve any problem.

Other than tinkering with Computers, I also love playing guitar and going out with close friends.

me in group photo

Pranav, Nikita, Nayana and me during our first Bangalore trip

This blog is an archive of some thoughts, experiences and learnings from my life - Writings which I can look back in a few years and feel cringe!

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